FCW Society

"FCW Society is dedicated to promoting and exploring feminist issues and interests while spreading the word and celebrating the fact that women are so fucking cool!" "Respect. Empower. Celebrate."

Location: Everywhere, Earth

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Guerilla Girls Theatre Network

Hey Ladies! If you're interested in joining a cool group of women in an online theatre networking group... click here!

The Guerrilla Girls On Tour Network for Women In Theatre is an email listserve for women theatre artists in the following categories: directors, producers, writers, stage managers, designers and women in all aspects of production.

Our purpose is to create a forum where we can network, post job opportunities and share resources and ideas. In a male dominated profession, we feel it is important to consciously network with one another. Then, for example, when we are in a position to hire, we will have a pool of female professionals to call upon.

This group is not for 'out-of-context' self-promotion. If you have a question, opportunity, or idea that you would like to post to the group, you may include your website at the end of the email, as part of your signature. You may not announce shows, or promote yourself without good reason. The purpose of this is to keep it useful and resourceful, and not overwhelmed with advertisements.

Network away, theater grrrrls!


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